What is a Support Coordinator?

The Support Coordinator manages Support Coordination services for each participant. Support Coordination services are services that assist participants in gaining access to needed program and State plan services, as well as needed medical, social, educational and other services.

What is a Support Coordinator responsible for?

The Support Coordinator is responsible for developing and maintaining the Individualized Service Plan with the 8 participant, their family (if applicable), and other team members designated by the participant. The Support Coordinator is responsible for the ongoing monitoring of the provision of services included in the Individualized Service Plan.

What is an Individualized Service Plan?

The Support Coordinator writes the Individual Service Plan based on assessed need and the person-centered planning process with the individual and the planning team. The Support Coordinator links the individual to needed services and supports and assists the individual in identifying service providers as needed. The Support Coordinator also ensures that the services and supports remain within the allotted budget and monitor the delivery of services. The Support Coordinator must make a clear distinction between acting as a resource and providing advocacy on behalf of the individual/family. The Support Coordinator provides information, supports individuals in advocating for themselves, and links individuals to advocacy resources but does not serve as the advocate for the individual/family.

What are the main functions of a Support Coordinator and how are they used for participants?

The Support Coordinator’s role can be divided into the following 4 general functions: individual discovery, plan development, coordination of services, and monitoring.

Individual Discovery

Individual discovery is the process by which the Support Coordinator, in conjunction with the individual and planning team, gathers and evaluates information in order to assist the individual to determine his/her outcomes, supports, and service needs. This function begins once the individual is assigned a Support Coordinator and occurs concurrently with other functions. This process and the tools used to facilitate it are further described in section 6.4.1 “Assessments/Evaluations.”

Plan Development

This function involves the process by which the Support Coordinator facilitates a planning team to develop the Person Centered Planning Tool (PCPT) and Individualized Service Plan (ISP). The PCPT is a person-centered plan which identifies needed outcomes, goals, supports, and services. The ISP directs the provision of those supports and services. Section 6 details the policies and procedures necessary to complete this function.

Coordination of Services

This function includes activities necessary to obtain the supports and services identified in the ISP. Coordination of services requirements are outlined in section 7.


Monitoring is the process by which the Support Coordinator ensures that the individual progresses toward identified outcomes and receives quality supports and services as outlined in the ISP and in accordance with the Division’s mission and core principles. Section 8 describes specific responsibilities for accomplishing the monitoring function.

What are the requirements for Support Coordination services?

  • An individual must be determined eligible for services before the Division can provide services.
  • The determination of an applicant’s eligibility for Division services shall be completed as expeditiously as possible.
  • In order to receive Division services, individuals are responsible to apply, become eligible for, and maintain Medicaid eligibility.
  • An individual must establish that New Jersey is his or her primary residence at the time of application.
  • At 16 years of age, individuals may participate in Planning for Adult Life information sessions, webinars, projects, etc. from the Division.
  • At 18 years of age individuals may apply for eligibility.
  • At 21 years of age, eligible individuals may receive Division services.

What is the process for individual enrollment?

  • The individual will contact the Division Regional Community Services Office to discuss needs;
  • The Division will confirm that the individual has completed the Division’s intake process, has been deemed eligible for Division services, and is not currently on the Community Care Waiver (CCW);
  • The individual will be assigned a budget based on the assessed level of need found through completion of the Developmental Disabilities Resource Tool (DDRT);
  • The individual will be assigned a Support Coordination Agency through the process described in section 5.8;
  • Once the individual is assigned a Support Coordination Agency, the policies and procedures described in this guide will be followed in order to assist the individual in accessing services.